
RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. We are using 3D printing to do this, but if you have other technologies that can copy themselves and that can be made freely available to all, then this is the place for you too.

The Reprap I intend to build is a Mendel version. I could roam the internet for you and stuff this page with numerous pictures of other builders, but I will not.

You can simply use your own imagination the way I did and use Google to help you find your way aroud the countless WIKI's, ORG's and private collections.

The result of the mechanical bit of this Reprap should look like the picture on the right.

It started by buying a RepRap Monolithic Electronics Set from
Techzone Communications.
This looked a lot better than the sets that use seperate stepper motor drivers. Drivers for this hardware can be found
here. In my case (Windows 7 64bit) the drivers were not found automatically.

I found a set of plastic parts, NEMA17 motors, bearings and a Wade extruder on